winter blues
I am so ready for spring. It's cold (-4 this morning), too cold to take the kids anywhere that isn't absolutely essential, and it keeps snowing. And snowing. And snowing. I realize this is just life in Wisconsin, but I'm beginning to understand why all those wealthy retirees buy RVs and run off to Florida every winter.
There's nothing really wrong with me other than a mix of cabin and spring fevers. I really shouldn't complain, because this week I've had some visitors and some good chats on the phone with my parents and various friends, so all things considered I can't claim to be lacking in adult interaction. Still, the never-ending housework and constant baby-holding and interrupted sleep, combined with sucky winter weather, is getting me a little down.
I think part of the problem is that I'm still in that post-partum fog where you barely remember who you are or what you're like. I have a doctorate in...what was it now? When is the last time I even played the piano? What do I like to do in my so-called spare time (besides using my blog as a place to whine, that is - see, I'm not totally lacking in self-awareness!)? What are my goals? Do I have any goals beyond making sure everyone is fed and clothed every day? (For the non-parents, or not-yet-parents out there, please understand that this is a bigger undertaking than you might think.)
So I'm calling for suggestions here. What do you do when you've got the blues? How do you appreciate the moment you're in, rather than longing for The Next Thing?
There's nothing really wrong with me other than a mix of cabin and spring fevers. I really shouldn't complain, because this week I've had some visitors and some good chats on the phone with my parents and various friends, so all things considered I can't claim to be lacking in adult interaction. Still, the never-ending housework and constant baby-holding and interrupted sleep, combined with sucky winter weather, is getting me a little down.
I think part of the problem is that I'm still in that post-partum fog where you barely remember who you are or what you're like. I have a doctorate in...what was it now? When is the last time I even played the piano? What do I like to do in my so-called spare time (besides using my blog as a place to whine, that is - see, I'm not totally lacking in self-awareness!)? What are my goals? Do I have any goals beyond making sure everyone is fed and clothed every day? (For the non-parents, or not-yet-parents out there, please understand that this is a bigger undertaking than you might think.)
So I'm calling for suggestions here. What do you do when you've got the blues? How do you appreciate the moment you're in, rather than longing for The Next Thing?