today's list
Things that make me angry, anxious, sad or all of the above:
1) swine flu
2) cranky, tired, whiny kids
3) the so-called debate over healthcare reform
4) what-the-heck-am-I-doing-with-my-life-beyond-parenting-existential-crisis-#485
5) the book I'm reading about Skid Row in Los Angeles (The Soloist - it's really good but it will break your heart)
I could blog about that stuff, but since doing so will just make me crazier, here's a list of things that make life pretty sweet right now:
1) kids in hats! I made them! (both the hats and the kids, come to think of it)

2) Cathy from the Wednesday farmers' market who brings a box of her honeycrisp apples just for me every week. She doesn't spray them, so they have some flaws and holes you have to cut around (which is why I'm her only apple customer), but they are delicious and aren't full of toxic chemicals.

3) The pair of hummingbirds who briefly flitted through the yard this morning. They are such beautiful, delicate creatures. I want to plant a hummingbird garden someday.
4) Picking raspberries three weeks in a row. We went yesterday with my friend Claire, whose son Ben is really good friends with Daniel. I can't get enough raspberries, yo.
5) Running barefoot or nearly barefoot. It does a body good.
1) swine flu
2) cranky, tired, whiny kids
3) the so-called debate over healthcare reform
4) what-the-heck-am-I-doing-with-my-life-beyond-parenting-existential-crisis-#485
5) the book I'm reading about Skid Row in Los Angeles (The Soloist - it's really good but it will break your heart)
I could blog about that stuff, but since doing so will just make me crazier, here's a list of things that make life pretty sweet right now:
1) kids in hats! I made them! (both the hats and the kids, come to think of it)

2) Cathy from the Wednesday farmers' market who brings a box of her honeycrisp apples just for me every week. She doesn't spray them, so they have some flaws and holes you have to cut around (which is why I'm her only apple customer), but they are delicious and aren't full of toxic chemicals.

3) The pair of hummingbirds who briefly flitted through the yard this morning. They are such beautiful, delicate creatures. I want to plant a hummingbird garden someday.
4) Picking raspberries three weeks in a row. We went yesterday with my friend Claire, whose son Ben is really good friends with Daniel. I can't get enough raspberries, yo.
5) Running barefoot or nearly barefoot. It does a body good.