is it summer vacation yet?

Tomorrow is the last day of school for Madison Elementary Schools. Daniel may end up missing it. He was home today with a fever, and while I doubt he missed out on a whole lot of quality instructional time, it's sad  to miss the last few hours of school with friends, isn't it?

I swear everyone checked out mentally after the Memorial Day weekend, though. Elementary kids had tons of field trips that were more fun than educational (bowling, anyone?), and with all the end-of-year picnics and fundraisers and celebrations, it's just been a little much. It feels like summer already started weeks ago. The pools are open, the water is on in the local splash parks, it doesn't get dark until 9:00, we've burned through two bottles of sunscreen already, and today I finally turned on the air conditioning in the house. (We've had a few days over 90 degrees, so I'm rather proud I held out this long, but I probably wouldn't have caved this early if I weren't trapped at home with a sick kid.)

I'm looking forward to summer. We're taking things easy, and I hope that daily swimming lessons, weekly piano lessons and lots and lots of play dates keep the kids busy enough. We'll have lots of visitors in the next few weeks and one big trip at the end of July. Time will zip by, I'm sure.


Claire said…
Just checked out a fun craft book if you all want to do something on Fridays together?

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