instead of blogging, i've been...

1. Outside. I can finally say with total certainty that spring is here. The last of the piles of snow disappeared last week, daffodils are blooming, and the other day I sent Stuart out to find some shorts and t-shirts for Daniel because it was 70 degrees and all he had were cold-weather clothes. Daniel wants to be outdoors every waking minute of the day, and I feel pretty much the same, only I remember that we need to eat and drink and use the bathroom every once in a while. We play in the yard, we go to the park, we find tiny pine cones, we pull weeds, we kick a ball back and forth, we hang laundry on the line, you name it.

2. Driving. The nap situation reached a point so low a couple weeks ago that I just gave up. Now when Daniel looks tired (any time between 11 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon), I pack the kids in the car and find some errand to run so they'll both go to sleep. Yesterday I deposited an $8 check at the ATM. Today I picked up Stuart's rain jacket from the tailor (they replaced the zipper pull for 3 bucks; you can't beat that!). Other days I indulge myself in a latté from the Starbucks drive-thru (I am not proud of this). Every once in a blue moon, I'll drive a few miles out to a nice coffee/yarn (!) shop. Usually, Daniel and Anya fall asleep in about 5 minutes, so I just go back home and carry them inside and enjoy the next 15-90 minutes until one of them wakes up. I'm glad I don't have to drive more than a mile or two for this to work, considering the gas prices these days.

3. Visiting. Daniel, Anya and I spent a couple days with my good friend Stephanie at her parents' house. It's in rural southwest Wisconsin. Beautiful countryside. Lots of hills and wetlands and farms with cows and corn and such. We spent a day at her cousin's farm, where there are all kinds of sheep and gorgeous chickens. (You should see Daniel walk like a chicken, by the way. It's pretty funny.)

4. Digging. This is related to #1...All the time outside means I'm finally doing some garden/landscaping work I meant to do last year. Of course, then I got pregnant and went to Songfest, so it meant I was too busy and tired to do anything but take care of Daniel and practice for all those masterclasses. Anyway, I went to a greenhouse over the weekend and bought a whole bunch of perennials. I had no plan; I just picked up anything that looked pretty and could tolerate partial shade. With Daniel's "help," I can get two or three planted at a time. I'm beefing up my herb patch and replacing weeds with flowers. There's a pile of free mulch at the park down the road, so I'm hoping to score some of that before it's all gone. If I ever get the chance, I'll take some pictures to share.

5. Sleeping. hahahahahahahahahahaha. Right. I'm so sleep-deprived right now it's not even funny. It's also not worth blogging the details, but it also means I don't have the energy to write anything good, so I'm not writing much at all. Let's hope I find some inspiration with the nice spring weather.


Here's a novel idea: After you return from the car ride which lulled the babes to sleep, settle down on the couch and take a nap, too! Naps are not just for kidlings, I assure you. :-)
Claire said…
I totally used your idea this afternoon and drove to get an iced latte at a drive-thru coffee place in efforts to get you-know-who to sleep... and keep me from pulling more hair out.
Scott said…
Everyone uses that whole "sleep when the baby sleeps" line with me... and I love the idea... but then sometimes I have to shower. Or eat something for once. Or answer my onslaught of emails. Or go to work. Or clean the dishes. Or wash the baby's laundry. Or wash my own laundry.
Suze said…
Exactly, scott!
I might add: or watch the 2yo and make sure he doesn't injure himself or run away...

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