
My first attempt at posting a picture! This is a pair of socks I made for Steph for her 30th birthday. Harry Potter fans, note the Gryffindor color scheme...


Gryffendor (sp?) rules! I can't wait to read the last book!
mamacita said…
Nice socks!

I liked your post on "creating" too. I don't feel that my parents really fostered a creative environment at home, although they certainly did enroll us in lots of different lessons--ballet, gymnastics, piano, violin. None of which I stuck with.

I hope to do lots of what I hope to be fun, stress-free creative activities at home, and hopefully from there my son will naturally find something he enjoys. I want him to love something so much that he wants to learn it well and practice it, unlike me, stuck into piano lessons as a kid and always dreading it.
mamacita said…
P.S. I think your legs could use some Mexican sun!

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